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The 3rd Cohort of SAGE III/ISS Science Team Selections

By May 6, 2024July 18th, 2024Uncategorized

The 3rd cohort of SAGE III/ISS Science Team selections have been made from proposals submitted to the NASA ROSES 2023 A.30 solicitation. Total funding of the 10 investigations selected is approximately $4.8 million, over a period of three years, to begin by mid-year 2024. The range of topics touch all the current occultation science products with a majority emphasizing stratospheric aerosols, including 4 related to smoke in the stratosphere. Several proposals point to the unique position of the SAGE III/ISS mission to carry forward the record of stratospheric water vapor from heritage missions to future, yet unnamed, ventures. Many projects will combine SAGE III/ISS data with other datasets to examine questions spanning time scales outside the growing 7-year mission record.

The Principal Investigators are:

Sean Davis (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory)
Lars Kalnajs (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Cheng-Hsuan Lu (State University of New York at Albany)
Luis Millan Valle (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Mahesh Varma Mundakkara Kovilakam (ADNET Systems, Inc./NASA Langley Research Center)
Brian Soden (University of Miami, Key Biscayne)
Pamela Wales (Goddard Space Flight Center)
Hsiang-Jui (Ray) Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Jun Wang (University of Iowa, Iowa City)
Jianglong Zhang (University of North Dakota)
In addition, Professor Jun Wang has been selected as the Science Team Leader.

Further details on the selections can be found here.
The SAGE III/ISS mission looks forward to advancements and new insights to be gained by the new Science Team.