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Updates from the SAGE III/ISS Visualization Team

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In our continuing endeavor to make SAGE III data more accessible and to increase its utilization, the SAGE III/ISS team at NASA Langley Research Center launched enhancements and new features to the Quicklook and Expedited website for data visualization products. Some highlights of the changes made include easier navigation and display on mobile devices, as well as a new ‘Highlights’ tab to showcase major stratospheric events observed by SAGE III/ISS. This new addition to the website will provide a snapshot of images detailing the event and illustrate the efforts and analyses performed by our scientific colleagues around the world in response to these atmospheric phenomena.

Be sure to check out the new ‘Comparisons’ tab that highlights measurements by ground stations that provide valuable validation data. Observations are drawn from stations around the globe contributing to the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ), or World Ozone and Ultraviolet radiation Data Centre (WOUDC). There you can search for a specific station and view comparison plots of ozone and water vapor over the entire data record.

The pages and the associated updates can be found at

SAGE III/ISS Summer 2025 Internship Opportunity

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About this opportunity:

Internships are educational hands-on opportunities that provide unique NASA-related research and operational experiences for educators and high school, undergraduate, and graduate students (age 16 and up).

To learn more and apply, visit: SAGE III/ISS Mission Science Internship

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

This internship will involve analyses and problem solving related to the on-orbit operation of the SAGE III ISS mission. The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) was delivered to the International Space Station on 23 February 2017 in the unpressurized trunk of the SpaceX CRS-10 Dragon spacecraft. The SAGE III ISS payload was installed on ELC-4 at the S3 Truss. SAGE III is an atmospheric remote sensing mission that combines solar occultation, lunar occultation, and limb scattering to retrieve vertical profiles of Earth’s atmospheric ozone, aerosols, and other trace gases and state parameters such as temperature and pressure. SAGE III utilizes a charge-coupled device (CCD) of 857 pixels in the spectral dimension of which 809 pixels correspond to approximately 1 nm wide wavelength bands ranging from 282 nm to 1038 nm. The remaining 48 pixels characterize readout noise on a per-measurement basis. An additional InGaAs photodiode channel collects a wider passband centered at 1543 nm. The CCD readout is table-configured to provide 86 channels for solar occultations and 340 channels for lunar occultations and limb scatter measurements. Finally, a spectral survey mode enables a full CCD spectral readout. The on-orbit configurability of the CCD readout process enables a test bed for transmission measurements tailored to experimental retrievals of specific species of interest beyond the nominal data product. For example, the strong vibronic structure of the Bromine Monoxide (BrO) extinction cross section in the ultraviolet makes this species a prime candidate for study. Nighttime species can be targeted during lunar occultations. SAGE III is also equipped with a Disturbance Monitoring Package (DMP) and two Contamination Monitoring Packages (CMPs). These subsystems provide characterization of vibrational disturbance and attitude change events as well as monitoring of particulate and molecular contamination. The DMP is a Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit (MIMU) which measures rotation in inertial space in three axes using Ring Laser Gyros (RLGs). The ISS Program approved two SAGE III attitude maneuver requests performed 10-16 April and 29-30 June 2017 to calibrate observations made between the main science instrument’s Sun-tracking measurements and the DMP’s RLGs. The DMP has been used to aid science data retrievals by improving pointing knowledge through better relative attitude determination, and a Kalman-filtered research product will be used for absolute attitude determination. DMP measurements are used to characterize ISS bending as a function of attitude on ELC-4. The student will work on atmospheric science retrievals from the on-orbit instrument including challenging work involving instrument characterization, attitude determination problems, ISS mission con ops, and data analysis. Work could aid in the development of the SAGE IV Pathfinder mission. The students will produce research-quality analyses and analysis software and will be expected to work in a team environment to produce systems engineering reports and white papers on the work.

Successful Seventh Annual SAGE III/ISS Science Team Meeting

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The annual Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station (SAGE III/ISS) Science Team Meeting was held as a hybrid event hosted at NASA Langley Research Center on October 22 and 23, with over 50 participants. Nearly 30 technical presentations were given on topics ranging from the SAGE III/ISS mission and data product status, to research findings, plans and preliminary results utilizing SAGE products, to current and future members of the international constellation for stratospheric and upper tropospheric composition observations, to data assimilation systems (past, present and future), and to ground-based correlative measurements overlapping SAGE. This was the first Science Team Meeting for the cohort of Principal Investigator-led teams selected under the 3rd ROSES call targeting SAGE-like science, with at least 4 PIs new to the Science Team. One example of data usage was given by Dr. E. Knowland (MSU/GSFC-GMAO) regarding continuing a climate record of stratospheric water vapor (SWV) after the Aura MLS mission. She highlighted results from work as a PI during the 2nd Science Team cohort that made use of the GMAO Constituent data assimilation system (CoDAS) when it was fed SAGE III/ISS SWV observations. Key findings were:

  • SAGE III/ISS stratospheric water vapor (SWV) assimilation improves SWV (R ≥ 0.48) relative to Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier Transform Spectrometer compared to chemistry only (R ≥ 0.28)
  • Assimilated SAGE III/ISS SWV captures broad, subpolar features like the tropical tape recorder, but is less able to capture isolated events
  • SAGE III/ISS SWV profiles can thus continue the climate data record of Aura MLS, albeit with less coverage and fine-scale fidelity

These results lend confidence that SAGE III/ISS could serve as a bridge to future SWV observations after Aura MLS.

The mission looks forward to learning of new scientific advancements at the next annual meeting in 2025.

Credits: NASA

SAGE III/ISS Science Highlight

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Updated status on stratospheric aerosols using recently released public data from SAGE III/ISS

Figure 1 below shows the bulk of the stratospheric aerosol layer around 10S latitude with slightly larger amounts in the Southern Hemisphere. This spatial distribution has been similar since early 2022 following the eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano in January 2022. However, Figure 2 shows that the core of the layer was actually refreshed somewhat by the eruption of Ruang in April 2024. This variable, but somewhat consistent, enhancement of the stratospheric aerosol layer compared to the first part of the SAGE III/ISS mission (2017) has produced a less than 1% shading of the Earth’s surface. Though small, it is non-negligible when balancing the energy budget of the Earth system, especially when examining changes in greenhouse gas contributions on these time scales.

Figure 1: Latitude – altitude cross-section of SAGE III/ISS stratospheric aerosol extinction coefficient for August 2024.

Figure 2: Aerosol extinction time series for tropics during the SAGE III/ISS mission. Most notable recent events are January 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga and April 2024 eruption of Ruang.

SAGE III Mission Interns Code Their Way to Success

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NASA’s internship programs offer opportunities year-round for students to undertake meaningful and challenging projects that truly make an impact on humanity. Selected students are provided with training, mentoring, and career development throughout their session with some of the best minds in the world.

With over 100 applicants to the mission’s internship program, the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) III on the International Space Station (ISS) team at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA selected three undergraduate student interns to work on a team science and engineering project during the 10-week summer session.

Matilda Damon, Linnea Johansson, and Riley Runyon worked together on developing the SAGE III limb scattering science processing code. Experimental SAGE III measurements of atmospheric limb scattered sunlight provide an innovative way to collect atmospheric data such as stratospheric ozone and aerosol. If successfully implemented, SAGE III atmospheric observations would cover a much larger range of times and Earth locations, providing even more atmospheric data to the public.

Currently, the SAGE III instrument uses solar and lunar occultation to capture these data products for the public. Such measurements only occur when the orbiting ISS experiences a sunrise, sunset, moonrise, or moonset. SAGE observes the light from the Sun or the Moon that passes through the atmosphere during both rise and set events to measure gases and particles in that region of the atmosphere. Occultation is a measurement of transmitted light, not scattered light. Adding limb scattering products to the SAGE inventory would add considerable value.

The intern team worked on coding a software Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter (MEKF) that provides SAGE with an absolute attitude reference during limb scattering measurements. By combining solar edge detection with attitude rate data from the Disturbance Monitoring Package (DMP) subsystem aboard the SAGE III payload, the MEKF-derived attitude will supply high-accuracy telescope pointing information, which is important for ensuring the accuracy of the limb scattering atmospheric retrievals. The DMP is a three-axis ring laser gyroscope that the students used for attitude dead reckoning. Pointing error slowly accumulates as an angle random walk while dead reckoning in the absence of an occasional absolute attitude correction. Their filter will work to reduce the effects of this random walk between absolute measurements. To show how the filter impacts the attitude estimation, they also compared DMP dead reckoning directly with the filter results. To accomplish this, they relied heavily on quaternion mathematics. Quaternions are hypercomplex 4-D numbers that can represent rotations in 3-D space and are used for more than just aerospace applications. Your phone likely uses quaternion math to determine whether you’re holding it in portrait or landscape mode!

In addition to their limb scatter remote sensing project, the interns attended weekly SAGE III science and mission operations team meetings, weekly mentor check-ins, and several presentations on other missions, projects, and facilities at Langley. They particularly enjoyed learning about the history of NASA Langley’s Gantry.

Matilda Damon is a rising sophomore at Brown University studying astrophysics, engineering, and planetary science. At Brown, she rows for the Varsity Women’s Crew team, which helped prepare her for productive teamwork during her internship at NASA. She flies planes and studies astronomy in her free time at Brown.

“Knowing that code we wrote will help produce the gold standard of atmospheric data for the world is incredibly exciting. I am grateful to my mentors and peers for the opportunity to contribute to the SAGE III mission and for all the wisdom they imparted to me. Our mentors not only taught us coding, math, and science relevant to the mission, but also life skills such as collaboration, coding resource management, overcoming setbacks, and critical thinking,” said Damon.

Linnea Johansson is a rising junior at Washington and Jefferson College studying physics and mathematics. At school, she is a member of the varsity soccer team. She is also a leader of the Special Olympics Club and the Society for Physics Students. In her free time, she enjoys being outside and reading.

“This has been an incredible experience to help contribute to SAGE III. Working alongside my mentors has been rewarding and has taught me many valuable skills such as coding, version control, and working in a professional environment. I have also enjoyed the bonds that I have formed with the other interns,” said Johansson.

Riley Runyon is a rising junior at Washington and Jefferson College majoring in physics and mathematics. He is the leader of his school’s Climbing and Outdoors Club. He spends his free time running and playing his guitar.

“I loved every second of it. My mentors and coworkers are the coolest, most eclectic bunch of people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. Because of them and the work they assigned to me, I feel like I’ve learned how to think and work like an engineer and a scientist—systematically, precisely, and cautiously,” said Runyon.

The innovation, hard work, and dedication of the SAGE III summer internship team will continue to support and benefit the Langley mission team for the foreseeable future.

To apply for the next session of NASA internships, please visit

Langley Researchers Elected to International Ozone Commission

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NASA Langley’s Richard Eckman and Robert Damadeo were elected to the prestigious International Ozone Commission (IO3C) at this year’s Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, held in Boulder, Colorado, from July 15-19, 2024. Membership in the IO3C is highly selective, limited to about 30 leading scientists globally, and is determined through a peer election process. Members serve four-year terms with the possibility of renewal, contributing to the global study and analysis of atmospheric processes related to ozone.

The IO3C plays a crucial role in organizing studies of ozone worldwide, including ground-based and satellite measurement programs to better understand atmospheric composition and ozone dynamics. The study of ozone, Earth’s sunscreen, is important because of the large role it plays in protecting the Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet solar radiation, as well as its role as a greenhouse gas in Earth’s climate system.

Eckman started his career in atmospheric science research almost 40 years ago as a grad student at the University of Colorado. In 1988, he joined the NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Division and was involved in atmospheric modeling and data analysis. Over the last 15 years, Eckman has been managing the Atmospheric Composition Modeling and Analysis Program (ACMAP) at NASA Headquarters, as well as serving as the Program Scientist for the Earth science instruments on the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) and the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) III on the International Space Station.

“I am honored to be recognized by the IO3C and elected as a member of the commission. It’s been a dream career, and the IO3C recognition is like icing on the cake,” said Eckman.

Damadeo currently serves as a Co-Principal Investigator for the SAGE IV project, and the Lead Algorithm Scientist for the SAGE III on ISS mission.

Not only has Damadeo worked on past, present and future SAGE missions, but he continues to do extensive research on long-term trends in stratospheric ozone. In particular, he has been a part of the LOTUS (Long-term Ozone Trends and Uncertainties in the Stratosphere) effort since its inception in 2016 and is currently the leader. LOTUS is an APARC (Atmospheric Processes And their Role in Climate) sponsored effort whose primary goal is to foster collaboration within the scientific community to provide vital contributions to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Ozone Assessment in an organized and cohesive way. Work performed under LOTUS has been responsible for a significant amount of content featured in the 2018 and 2022 Assessments.

“I am honored to be elected to the IO3C by my peers and colleagues,” said Damadeo.

To learn more about the IO3C, please visit  

The 3rd Cohort of SAGE III/ISS Science Team Selections

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The 3rd cohort of SAGE III/ISS Science Team selections have been made from proposals submitted to the NASA ROSES 2023 A.30 solicitation. Total funding of the 10 investigations selected is approximately $4.8 million, over a period of three years, to begin by mid-year 2024. The range of topics touch all the current occultation science products with a majority emphasizing stratospheric aerosols, including 4 related to smoke in the stratosphere. Several proposals point to the unique position of the SAGE III/ISS mission to carry forward the record of stratospheric water vapor from heritage missions to future, yet unnamed, ventures. Many projects will combine SAGE III/ISS data with other datasets to examine questions spanning time scales outside the growing 7-year mission record.

The Principal Investigators are:

Sean Davis (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory)
Lars Kalnajs (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Cheng-Hsuan Lu (State University of New York at Albany)
Luis Millan Valle (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Mahesh Varma Mundakkara Kovilakam (ADNET Systems, Inc./NASA Langley Research Center)
Brian Soden (University of Miami, Key Biscayne)
Pamela Wales (Goddard Space Flight Center)
Hsiang-Jui (Ray) Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Jun Wang (University of Iowa, Iowa City)
Jianglong Zhang (University of North Dakota)
In addition, Professor Jun Wang has been selected as the Science Team Leader.

Further details on the selections can be found here.
The SAGE III/ISS mission looks forward to advancements and new insights to be gained by the new Science Team.

SAGE III/ISS Level 2 Aerosol Auxiliary Product Release Announcement

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Stratospheric aerosol plays an important role in chemistry and climate. Space-based observations of their optical properties have been key elements of the study of the effects of major volcanic and extreme fire events. To aid users of SAGE III/ISS Level 2 aerosol data, the mission is releasing a Level 2 aerosol auxiliary product that identifies cloud-free observations using the method of Kovilakam et al. 2023 ( The algorithm is similar to that developed for the Global Space-based Stratospheric Aerosol Climatology (GloSSAC), in which SAGE III/ISS data plays a crucial role alongside other space-based measurements ( The new Level 2 aerosol auxiliary product is released at the same cadence as the L2 solar products. For general ease of use, the results are grouped into monthly netcdf file.

Information about these new data products can be found at the following ASDC link: III-ISS

These data products are available from the ASDC via the following options:

Earthdata Search

Direct Data Download


Time series of globally averaged Stratospheric Aerosol Optical Depth (SAOD) for 1020 nm. Credits: NASA/SSAI


Successful Sixth Annual SAGE III/ISS Science Team Meeting

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On September 12 & 13, 2023, the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station (SAGE III/ISS) held its sixth annual science team meeting. This year it was hosted by ROSES science team PI Dr. Hsiang Jui (Ray) Wang of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. The meeting was organized by the science team leader, Prof. Jun Wang (U. Iowa), Ray Wang, David Flittner, and Richard Eckman. This hybrid meeting was the first SAGE III/ISS STM held outside of LaRC. The facilities were top-notch, allowing science discussions both in-person and online.

The mission team briefed the science team on payload health, operations, data product status and plans for the future, data evaluation using correlative measurements, and the new ‘Quicklook’ data image portal. In short, with successful passage of the ESD review of operating missions, SAGE data products can be expected to be produced with the same quality/quantity for the remainder of this decade.

Research results concerning SAGE science were presented from various science team PIs, Co-Is and collaborators. Topics included: stratospheric aerosol sizes determined from SAGE data or combined with other sensors, especially after the Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) eruption; the progression of the HTHH injected water vapor; the key roles of SAGE data products in continuing important stratospheric databases beyond the certain end of the NASA Aura satellite and the Microwave Limb Sounder.

Figure 1 below is an example shown by M.C. McKee (LaRC) of SAGE ozone profile comparisons with surface-launched ozone-sondes from Observatory Haute-Provence (OHP). On average SAGE and OHP are within +/-5% from 17 to 32 km. Above 32 km the sonde results drift-off because of pump inefficiencies noted in presentations by Co-Is Drs. Anne Thompson (GSFC) and Ryan Stauffer (GSFC), who also showed the pump efficiencies can vary from sonde to sonde. This highlights the need for continual comparisons of the ground-based network with a stable ozone profile measurement technique like SAGE occultations. Figure 2 is SAGE ozone compared with other space-based instruments.

The mission looks forward to the next annual meeting, by which the results of the current AO for the third cycle of the ROSES SAGE III/ISS Science Team will be known.

New SAGE III/ISS Quicklook and Expedited Data Portal

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Along with the recent release of the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) III / International Space Station (ISS) v5.3 data, the mission is debuting a portal on the SAGE website for public viewing level 2 solar data products: SAGE III/ISS Level 2 Quicklook Browse Images ( The new tool provides a quick and easy view into the publicly released data.

Primarily, the vertically resolved data are segregated by time progressing from the entire length of the mission to-date to monthly zonal means, to weekly curtains and culminating in daily groupings of individual profiles. The monthly zonal means combine both sunrise and sunset events, while all other images are grouped by the rising or setting of the sun as seen from the ISS. For all but a few days a year, the type of solar events are the same at the ground/atmosphere as they are from the ISS.

“The team designed the portal to display our data in images covering timescales including days, weeks, and months to tailor the experience for users wanting to deep dive into specific events or to get a broader overview of how SAGE III has observed changes in our atmosphere,” said SAGE III Lead Data Scientist Kevin Leavor.

There are two streams of data to view: publicly released (original data is available at the Atmospheric Science Data Center) and expedited pre-release results. The main difference between the two streams is the latency, which in turn is driven by the availability of ancillary meteorological inputs.

SAGE III takes measurements across the globe using a technique called occultation, which involves looking at the light from the Sun or Moon as it passes through Earth’s atmosphere at the edge, or limb, of the planet. Every time the sun, or moon, rises and sets, SAGE uses the light that passes through the atmosphere to measure gases and particles in that region of the atmosphere.

The ISS provides a unique vantage point from which to take these measurements. The coverage from the ISS occurs over 30 times per day, taking about a month to cover the Southern Hemisphere, tropics, and Northern Hemisphere.

The figures below highlight some of the views available for the released solar data products. Figure 1, from the latitude band of Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH), illustrates the initial appearance of the HTHH aerosol layer and its descent driven mainly by gravitational settling. Figures 2 and 3 are monthly zonal averages for the monthly data update in April 2023. The HTHH aerosol layer is mainly within the Southern Hemisphere, but has also spread to the Northern Hemisphere. The HTHH water layer has been distributed globally, more equally than the aerosol layer.

“We provide all of our species including gases, aerosols, and derived aerosol extinction ratios to leverage SAGE III’s strengths for our users, and visualize that information at a glance,” said Leavor. “Zonal regions are highlighted in our Mission Overviews to emphasize atmospheric events that have occurred over the entire coverage extent of the mission.”

This great addition to the mission website represents many hours of development by the SAGE III/ISS web and visualization teams.

“The SAGE III/ISS team hopes that this website is a tool for users to easily engage with science data produced by our mission. We are proud of our data product and what we’ve been able to do with it, and we want to share that with everyone,” said Leavor.

Figure 1: Mission summary 1021 nm aerosol-to-molecular extinction ratio for latitude band 10S to 20S that is available from the Quicklook portal. Several perturbations from episodic terrestrial events, notably the Jan. 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai. The ratio of how much the aerosol particles scatter light compared to the molecules in the air (like nitrogen and oxygen) is what scientists call the aerosol-to-molecular extinction ratio. This ratio can vary depending on the type and amount of particles present in the air, and it can be used to estimate the concentration of particles in the atmosphere, which is important for understanding air quality and climate change.


Figure 2: April 2023 aerosol-to-molecular extinction ratio for 1021 nm.


Figure 3: Water vapor mixing ratio for April 2023. Water vapor mixing ratio is a way to measure the amount of moisture or humidity present in the air. It is defined as the mass of water vapor present in a unit of dry air.

SAGE III on the ISS: Continuing Important Observations of the Stratosphere







Life at the Lab: Observing Ozone







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Space Station Live: Wise Eye in the Sky


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NASA X Episode I: SAGE III Monitoring Earth


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SAGE III Integration and Test Timelapse


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Space Station Live: Studying Earth’s Sunscreen


SAGE III Sun Look Test Video

SAGE III Sunlook Test





NASA Real World: Ozone

NASA Real World: Good Ozone, Bad Ozone


NASA's Our World: Sunsets

NASA’s Our World: Sunsets and Atmosphere


SAGE III/ISS Overview Video

SAGE III/ISS Overview Video


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Mission Brochure



SAGE III/ISS Lithograph


The SAGE Legacy's Next Chapter: SAGE III on the International Space Station

SAGE Earth Observer Article


SAGE III International Collaboration

SAGE III/ISS International Collaboration


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