Uncategorized Summer Interns Successfully Accomplish Science and Engineering Projects for SAGE III Mission While the COVID 19 pandemic caused another summer of virtual internships, it didn’t stop students…Allison McMahonSeptember 28, 2021
Uncategorized Studying Earth’s Stratospheric Water Vapor What does water vapor have in common with Sisyphus, the mythological Greek character cursed to…Allison McMahonAugust 13, 2021
Uncategorized New SAGE III Science Team Members Selected NASA's Science Mission Directorate has selected proposals for the solicited SAGE III on ISS Science…Allison McMahonMay 24, 2021
Uncategorized SAGE III Carries on Critical Measurements of Stratospheric Aerosols and Ozone On the fourth anniversary of its first-light measurements, we are taking a look at some…Allison McMahonMarch 17, 2021
Uncategorized SAGE III Sees California Wildfire Effects in Stratosphere Wildfires have been burning across the state of California since August 2020. As the fires…Allison McMahonDecember 16, 2020
Uncategorized 20 Years of Observing Earth from the International Space Station After 20 years of continuous human presence, the International Space Station (ISS) has provided 241…Allison McMahonNovember 19, 2020
Uncategorized SAGE III Interns Successfully Complete Virtual Internship Program NASA offers a variety of internship opportunities to thousands of students across the country throughout…Allison McMahonOctober 1, 2020
Uncategorized ROSES-20 Amendment 34: New Opportunity: SAGE III/ISS Science Team Added to ROSES-2020 A.50 SAGE III/ISS Science Team seeks proposals for members of the SAGE III Science Team.…Allison McMahonJune 16, 2020
Uncategorized NASA’s SAGE III Instrument Observes Aerosol Spike from Australian Fires The devastating southeastern Australian bushfires that started last September spewed smoke and aerosols higher into…Allison McMahonJune 2, 2020
Uncategorized SAGE III Sees Mercury Transit the Sun SAGE III is a planet finder! (… at least in our immediate neighborhood.) It was…Allison McMahonNovember 12, 2019